Community of Practice
Kieron Jina, artist
Kieron Jina beschreibt seine Praxis als die eines professionellen Troublemaker – ein Mensch, der als multidisziplinärer Künstler verlernt, lernt und wächst. Er realisiert Performance- und Videokunst, arbeitet als Choreograf an Tanzstücken, verfolgt den Ansatz kreativer Performance-Forschung und moderiert kreative Prozesse. Er ist body based lecturer und absolvierte einen Masterstudiengang in Kunst an der Wits University in Johannesburg. Jina interessiert sich für Klimapolitik, Afrofuturismus, Migration, Identität, Sexualität, neue Technologien sowie immersive und ortsspezifische Performances, kollaborative Prozesse und interdisziplinäre kreative Praktiken.
Description of current research
Kieron Jina is provoked by the sense of chaos that is happening across the globe and in the future, the number of “climate refugees” is expected to rise. Will we all eventually become climate refugees if we don’t find ways to cool down the planet. Jina’s research evokes questions related to art as a civic muscle and does it have something to offer. Art is a rhythm of self-evaluation. A self-evaluation through the perspective of the object (a mirror). What can we make of it?
Jina continues to be embraced by African indigenous knowledge’s in his research and has found an appreciation for the knowledge of theorist Edward Lorenz “Chaos theory: When the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future.” This quote has sparked many questions in relation to the “butterfly effect”. A metaphor for this behaviour is that a butterfly flaps it’s wings in the cradle of humankind (South Africa) can cause a hurricane in New Orleans.