Olha Khoronovska
«Refraction of Light»

Self-description, education & work experience:
Olha Khoronovska is a freelance dancer and dance educator from Ukraine. She has been dancing since childhood and in 2009 she graduated from the Municipal Ukrainian Dance Academy (specialization: Ballet Dancer and Teacher of Choreographic Disciplines).
At the age of 16, she began to support her grandmother, a ballerina, by teaching and choreographing by her side. Olha received her higher choreographic education at the Drahomanov Pedagogical University (2012) in Kyiv and first appeared on the big stage as a student. After graduation, she worked in several television projects, as well as with artists at solo concerts around the world. Olha was also in the troupe of the English team that worked on cruise ship (first as an artist, then as a dance manager) and was a choreographer at the Kyiv Children’s Theatre Studio, as well as a teacher at the dance academy.
Since 2018 she has been a teacher at the Dance Academy in Kyiv, as well as a freelance dancer in numerous projects, like the performance «Got To Be Free» (performed in Toronto, Canada; 2018). Moreover, Olha participated in the Norwegian social advertising campaign (2019) and in a social campaign by «Avon» against the stereotypes (2021).
She is now doing her best to continue her practice as a dancer, choreographer and dance educator in Berlin, Germany.
Introduction to the project:
Olha Khoronovska is a freelance dancer and dance educator from Ukraine. She wants to devote most of her residency to the refraction of light as an integral part of the perfect picture in the combination of music and dance. In the frame of this research, she would like to explore the local dance scene and get in touch with other professionals.
Description of the project:
Olga would like to devote most of her residency to the refraction of light. She goes on to explain her vision: reflection of light is perceived as an integral part of the perfect picture in the combination of music and dance. These three components can convey a picture in completely different ways and change perception. Tonality and semi-tones can give the image a clearer contour, emphasising and drawing all the lines on the body. In the light it is possible to disappear and appear in different places, be a shadow or multiply in the picture. Make the picture deeper and more complex. These features Olha aspires to explore more. Imagine: only with different refraction of light the same choreography can look drastically different. She wants to study and delve into the light part of performance in order to convey what was conceived to the viewer as much as possible.
In the frame of this research, Olha also hopes to explore the local dance scene and get in touch with other professionals that work both in the field of artistic creation and education. Through a series of interviews and studio sessions she plans to exchange working methods and experiences with them, widening the field of her own experience.
In the final phase of her residency she wants to research local institutions and working environments to find out about possibilities for future collaborations.
Contact information:
Projects in which Olha participated:
1) https://www.instagram.com/tv/CSY3m_ND8eE/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
2) https://youtu.be/wkxtzkzxqjg