Oleksandr Koval
«Research of the Performing Arts»

Self-description, education & work experience:
Oleksandr Koval is a 26 year old Ukrainian actor from Kyiv. Currently he is living in Hamburg, Germany. In Ukraine, Koval graduated with Master’s degree from the Kyiv National University of Theatre, Film and Television named after I.K.Karpenko-Karyi (specialization: Actor of Drama Theater and Cinema; 2014-2020). Afterwards he worked in various theatres in Kyiv and Odessa. Examples of his works:
1) Drama and Comedy Theater (Kyiv): acted as Malvolio in the play «12th Night» by W. Shakespeare (2018);
2) Odessa Ukrainian Theater named after V. Vasilko (Odessa): acted as Bruno in the play «Le Cocu magnifique» by F. Crommelynck (2019), acted as Dr. Bormental in the play «Heart of a Dog» by to M. Bulgakov (2020);
3) State Opera (Hamburg): acted in the play «The Flying Dutchman» directed by M. Thalheimer (2022)
In addition to working in theatres, he also has experience in film production, such as:
1) «The Hideout» directed by Oksana Voitenko, acted as Dibrova (2020);
2) short film «Monologue.One» directed by Haiane Dzhahinian, acted as the main character – He (2020).
Introduction to the project:
In his research actor Oleksandr Koval wants to explore the concept of the performative arts. Moreover, he aspires to further develop his own artistic practice in exchange with other artists working in this field.
Description of the project:
So far Oleksandr hasn’t had any opportunity to connect with the performing arts, which are very common here, in Germany, especially in the «Freie Szene». During his project he would like participate in different art and theatre productions in Hamburg, as well as in Germany generally. He aspires to collaborate and exchange with other performers and theatres, to find out the characteristics and differences between the German and Ukrainian understanding of the concept of «performing» and «acting». By doing that, Oleksandr aims to explore and question what the term performative arts means to him. He believes that this residency will definitely support him in developing his abilities as an actor. Afterwards he hopes to be able to share his skills and experiences and bring them into the artistic process. In this program Oleksandr sees a great opportunity to take a big step forward in his professional work.
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