Daryna Yurchenko
«Puppets, Humor and Inner Thoughts»

Self-description, education & work experience:
Daryna Yurchenko is from a beautiful city Sumy, Ukraine. She graduated from the Kharkiv National University of Arts named after I. P. Kotlyarevsky (specialization: «Puppeteer», 2012 – 2017). After university she worked as a teacher with children and adults in an acting school «Testo»: she created performances and shows that were displayed on stage. In 2016, Daryna took part in a course of lectures and workshops as a teacher, theme – «Issues of Inclusion» (LADO Center, Kharkiv). After that Daryna also created her own shop of accessories, designed specifically for the shows.
Her work experience includes more occupations throughout recent years:
1) Daryna became a part of a theatre project «People’s Commissariats» (theatre «Publicist», 2021 – 2022);
2) Daryna worked on YouTube channels as props maker, hands in the frame and decorator (in Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021);
3) worked on a project with puppet theatre – it was an immersive performance «Gruseltheater» (in «Burg Schönfels» in Zwickau, Germany, 2019);
4) participated in a dance-performance «The Little Prince» (directed by Yulia Danilenko, Contemporary Dance Theatre, 2018).
Introduction to the project:
Daryna Yurchenko is a puppeteer and an actress. She obtained a degree, as well as a lot of work experience these past years, has participated in various types of performances and wants to research new ways of connection between puppetry, visual art and personal stories. She aspires to show that right now personality is what really matters and what is important. Own, authentic art – that is vital.
Description of the project:
«What kind of Puppet theatre can be nowadays?» – this kind of question pushes Daryna to research and create. She keeps on asking herself: what if it is a combination of humor and her own thoughts, considerations, which could mean a conversation with the viewer, empathize with the audience and simultaneously allow Daryna to share her own feelings in puppets’ world? Where is it more possible, than in puppets’ theatre, in a world that exists in the imagination of everyone?
Daryna shares some thoughts from her experience, emphasising that mostly people have different life situations, which are funny, sad and much more. There are many things about which we don’t really talk, because they seem absurd sometimes. From her point of view, comedy, music, voice, animation become best solutions at that moment, helping creators to implement «all that can’t be said». She goes on to explain how all humans have many different emotional states, which are interesting to notice and share, how there is a world of uncertainty, a world of solitude, a world where you are a defenseless child, or where you are an unvictorious hero. Daryna sees and feels it all. She believes that all these things are extremely interesting to notice, all those characters which already live, exist in ourselves.
Another significant issue for Daryna’s project is the re-thinking of the theatre and how it can work during the war. What topic is the most encouraged? For her the right answer is: «Theatre as a Reflection on Experiences and Feelings».
Contact information:
1) acting school «Testo», where Daryna worked https://instagram.com/testo_school?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
2) Daryna‘s own shop https://instagram.com/voobrazilla?utm_medium=copy_link
3) work for the Youtube channel https://youtu.be/0OlimMmlxlo
4) performance «The Little Prince» https://laboratoriya.wordpress.com/spektakli/lepetitprinz/